Russia, by the authoritative voice of its president and foreign minister, proposed to the G7 leaders to negotiate for an end to the war in Ukraine. The response from the West was only one: “WAR!” The Western regime media glossed over the proposal and confirmed that “military victory” is to be the only possible solution. Meanwhile, all polls proved that EU public opinion is largely against the war. At the elections for the EU Parliament, the citizens voted against their governments or abstained from voting. Thus, the real consensus for war is minimal, and the leaders are moving against people’s […]
Navalny e Gaza
Fatti, emozioni e un po’ di sano complottismo. L’attenzione sulla guerra di Gaza era diventata eccessiva. Troppo difficile per chiunque giustificare le violenze in corso. Per fortuna la provvidenziale (?) morte di Naval’ny ha stornato l’attenzione da una situazione diventata oltremodo imbarazzante per l’umanità intera e per noi occidentali in particolare. Ora, a chi vuole sentirsi rassicurato del fatto di vivere nel migliore dei mondi possibili, viene enfaticamente riproposto il nemico storico contro cui scagliarsi per sentirsi migliori. È legittimo il dubbio che tutto sia successo per caso. Ma è indiscutibile invece che il caso Naval’ny abbia riportato in prima […]
The Navalny Case
Facts and emotions (and a touch of healthy conspiracy) We do not need communication pundits to realize how the comments of major media outlets preceded any verified information and how a show was organized for the consumption of public opinion. We don’t need to be particularly smart to note that U.S./NATO’s Stoltenberg and Zelensky first commented unequivocally, taking for granted Navalny’s assassination, pointing out Putin as the sole possible culprit. Later, when asked what evidence they had about a deliberate assassination, all the Western leaders and mainstream media declared in unison that Navalny’s death should be considered an assassination regardless […]