Geografia urbana e terrorismo Netanyahu (e la sua banda di malvagi) ha ragione quando afferma che bisogna di uccidere tutti i palestinesi per sradicare definitivamente Hamas. Pertanto, il genocidio è necessario e giustificato, come affermano apertamente diversi politici israeliani e membri del governo. Infatti, secondo diverse indagini attendibili (riportate da Reuters e Associated Press), tre quarti dei palestinesi erano d’accordo con l’attacco del 7 ottobre. Ora, l’approvazione è diventata quasi unanime: le persone che vediamo urlare in televisione non sono arrabbiate con Hamas, gridano contro Israele! I palestinesi sono costantemente assediati a Gaza e oppressi nella Cisgiordania occupata. Sono reclusi […]
Urban Geography and Terror
Palestinians support Hamas. Netanyahu (and his bunch of evil fellows) is correct when he claims that he needs to kill all the Palestinians to eradicate Hamas ultimately. Hence, genocide is necessary and justified, as several Israeli politicians and government members blatantly keep uttering. In fact, according to several independent investigations and polls (some of them also reported by Reuters and Associated Press), three-quarters of Palestinians supported the October 7th attack. Now, the approval is almost unanimous: the people you see yelling on TV aren’t angry with Hamas; they are with Israel! Palestinians are under constant siege in Gaza and oppressed […]
A Path to Peace
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to have far-reaching consequences on both international and domestic politics worldwide. For decades, it has poisoned relations between nations and individuals alike. While doubts linger about the genuine interest in resolving the conflict, a comprehensive solution can only be achieved through Israel’s military, diplomatic, and moral defeat. This outcome would serve the interests of Israeli citizens and Jews worldwide. Surrender, far from being shameful, would mirror the end of apartheid in South Africa, where the white population ultimately embraced a long-standing boycott imposed by civilized nations. Furthermore, this defeat could be disguised as a newfound sense […]
Jesus and Alì (Cassius Clay)
Those who retaliate against the weak and bow before the strong are the epitome of humility and gutless inclinations. However, those who resist the urge to strike back immediately, knowing their own strength, are individuals of faith and hope, whether it be rooted in a religious beliefs or in a more secular self-confidence. Amid contemporary gospel interpretations, there are those who confess their temptation to resist turning the other cheek and instead retaliate with a slap. Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, this phrase has been consistently portrayed as an act of submission. It was ingrained in us by priests who […]
In Retaliation of Retaliation
Hamas, with the assistance of other organizations advocating for the liberation of Palestine, has committed an appalling and unjustifiable act of unprecedented cruelty and violence against both civilians and military personnel. The Israeli government’s ability to defend its citizens has proven ineffective. Hamas seeks to rationalize this act of retaliation as a means to avenge numerous grievances, including the relentless bombings of Gaza, the unlawful establishment of settlements by colonists in the West Bank, the detention of minors in Israeli prisons without due process, the demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank, and a multitude of other crimes. […]
La fine della libertà di informazione
Ogni persona onesta intellettualmente sa quale posizione prendere nella guerra impari tra Palestina e Israele e le diverse posizioni variano su alcune interpretazioni approfondite. Solo gli idioti (e sono numerosi) prendono le parti dell’uno o dell’altro in modo intransigente come si trattasse di una partita di calcio. Se si guardano in modo professionale e sistematico le reti di informazione internazionale viene spontaneo comprendere come gran parte del mondo riceva informazioni molto diverse da quelle che riceviamo noi nel presunto libero occidente. E come le reti occidentali (BBC, CNN ecc.) trasmettano notizie in arabo e altre lingue per potere diffondere le […]