Cassandra’s Guilt

The myth of Cassandra, Priam’s most beautiful daughter, helps us understand how information works. The story is well known. It happened that Apollo fell in love with Cassandra, whose name in ancient Greek means “the one who entraps men.” We do not have precise information about how the facts – if there are any – developed precisely.  It is said that Cassandra spent a night at Apollo’s temple, knowing that the god was craving her. She refused to concede herself to him, reportedly. To seduce her, the amorous god presented Cassandra with the gift of prophecy, which the girl enthusiastically […]

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La lezione di Cassandra

Libertà di seduzione e libertà di parola “In principio a nessuno era permesso pensare liberamente; ora è permesso, ma nessuno è più capace di farlo. Oggi la gente vuole pensare solo ciò che si presume che essa voglia pensare, e questa viene considerata libertà”. “Ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno, non è la libertà di stampa, piuttosto abbiamo bisogno della libertà dalla stampa” (Oswald Spengler) Il mito di Cassandra, la più bella delle figlie di Priamo, aiuta a comprendere il mondo dell’informazione. La storia è ben conosciuta. Accadde che Apollo s’innamorasse perdutamente di Cassandra il cui nome in greco antico significa non a caso […]

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Four Stages of Environmental Political Consciousness

The environmental crisis is an epochal event to the extent that some have argued that the Earth has entered a new geological era. In my 2015 book about “Environmental Politics” I propose four stages of people’s sensitivity to the environmental problem and identify a clear divide between the progressive and the conservative political approaches. The COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermaths are hastening the passage from second to the third stage which implies the adoption of a more radical approach to current environmental policies[1]. Keywords Geography • Ethics • Epistemology • Future generations • Polity  An Epochal Divide  Since antiquity, philosophers have […]

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La NATO dell’informazione

I progressisti a ritroso Criticare il linguaggio, gli atteggiamenti e buona parte dei programmi di Trump, non ci trasforma automaticamente in sostenitori di Kamala Harris, dei “conservatori democratici” o dei “repubblicani rispettabili.” Tantomeno del PD italiano! Se anche si condividessero i proclami di Trump, la speranza che si realizzino subito e completamente è debole. Al più si può sperare in una politica estera meno dissennata. Ma è dubbio che i militari, l’intelligence e i produttori di armi lo permetteranno. Il tycoon, come viene dispregiativamente chiamato, subirà un’opposizione feroce da parte di tutti gli apparati del sottopotere. Il presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti è […]

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Europe and Trump: The People and the Deep State

My followers and readers are aware of my distance from Donald Trump’s language, attitudes, and most of his agenda. However, this distance does not automatically position me as a supporter of Kamala Harris, the “conservative Democrats,” or the “decent Republicans.” Even if I agreed with some of Trump’s proclamations (and I don’t), I would doubt they could be fully and promptly realized. My hope, at most, is for a less insane approach to foreign policy. Yet, can we realistically expect the Deep State, the military, the intelligence agencies, and the arms manufacturers to allow the incoming administration to pursue their […]

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La tata e l’imbroglio della gamba amputata

La mia Tata era una donna tanto brutta quanto buona e intelligente. E vi assicuro che era eccezionalmente intelligente e con un cuore d’oro. Passò i suoi ultimi anni in una decorosa casa di riposo per anziani, dove succedevano cose strane. Qualche volta l’andavo a trovare per passare con lei un paio d’ore che, nonostante le sue condizioni precarie di salute, riempivamo di risate ascoltando i suoi ripetuti aneddoti su mia madre bambina e sui miei nonni dai quali era stata assunta come domestica nel 1928 quando aveva quattordici anni e non li aveva più lasciati vivendo assieme a loro. […]

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My Nanny and the Leg’s Funeral

My nanny, Antonia, was as ugly as was lovely and intelligent. I can assure you she was extraordinarily brilliant and had a heart of gold. In her later years, she lived in a respectable home for older people, where strange things sometimes occurred. I often visited, spending a few hours with her. Despite her poor health, we laughed as she more and again recounted stories about my mother as a child and my grandparents, who had hired her as a maid in 1926 when she was just twelve. She never left, staying with them throughout her life and bringing her […]

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Ma noi non votiamo!

Il corrispondente dall’Europa del New York Times dichiara che: “c’è qualcosa tra il fascino e la rabbia in Europa riguardo alle elezioni americane; un sentimento che gran parte della vita e della politica in Europa dipenda dagli elettori del North Carolina, della Georgia e dell’Arizona, poiché il presidente americano in un certo senso è il presidente di tutti”! Se fosse vero – e purtroppo lo è – sarebbe umiliante. A noi del voto americano non dovrebbe interessare per niente. Per varie ragioni. Come cittadini e persone libere ci dovremmo rifiutare di dipendere dal voto di altri e dal governo di […]

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Road to the White House? I Don’t Give a Crap

The American electoral process holds little intrigue for me as a European and for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, I do not participate in voting; as a foreign citizen, I refuse to relinquish my agency to the whims of others or the maneuvers of a foreign government. Why should my life depend on the vote of an accountant in Idaho or a banker in Chicago? This sentiment is not rooted in national pride — a concept that holds scant meaning for me — but rather in a proud civic responsibility intertwined with the long-lost ideal of universal fraternity. Though […]

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Il partigiano Sinwar

Se dovremo morire, moriremo per difendere i nostri diritti – Toro Seduto (Mia traduzione di un articolo di John Wight. L’articolo è enfatico come si conviene nella celebrazione di un eroe. Non ne prendo le distanze dai contenuti, ma dal tono che non mi è usuale. Faccio notare però come milioni se non miliardi di persone non credono alla versione del “cattivo barbaro terrorista ammazzato”)Yahya Sinwar non era un “terrorista”, era un combattente per la libertà. È morto come campione della causa del popolo palestinese, che è la causa dell’umanità nel nostro tempo.I suoi ultimi momenti su questa terra, ripresi dalle […]

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An American Waitress

That was the night! I invited Sarah, my longtime partner, to a quaint fancy restaurant in Fells Point, Baltimore. A young, good-looking waitress soon popped up, saying, “Hi, I’m Judith; how are you tonight?” If she were really interested, I would have given her a more comprehensive answer about my complicated emotional situation, but my reply was formal: “Thanks, Judith. I’m fine.” Sarah just smiled friendly. After a short while, the extra-caring waitress brought the menu and uttered some silly, useless statements unrelated to the menu. Although Judith was always around and we could not get rid of her, Sarah and […]

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Europe’s Setback: Draghi Report

The Draghi Report represents a significant moment in European politics. It outlines a strategy for the coming years. As a former governor of the European Central Bank and former Italian PM, Draghi commands authority, and his Atlantic ties position him as a guarantor of closer integration between Europe and the United States. This integration has evolved beyond mere alliance in recent decades. Whether this serves the interests of one or both parties requires careful analysis and political judgment. However, the Report notably neglects political dimensions, focusing on economic and governance concerns. This oversight reveals a political conservatism inherent in its […]

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A Utopia in Venice

“Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.” (Shakespeare, Hamlet) 1. I edited a book, Utopia Giudecca, which has just been published. I wrote the introduction and the position paper, inviting eighteen scholars and professionals to propose their projects according to my provided guidelines. The following is my introduction. Giudecca is the largest island in the historic center of Venice and the most peripheral one. The pivot question was how to make a community of 5,000 people almost entirely self-sufficient in food, energy, waste disposal, education, and more. 2. Max Horkheimer wrote, “Utopia has two aspects: the critique of […]

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